WebChecker 1.0.1 by Jeremy Kezer   Do you have web pages you check frequently? WebChecker will help you! WebChecker is a utility program designed to help you manage web pages you check frequently. It will check to see if a web page has been modified, and will notify you - or even automatically launch your favorite web browser - when it detects any changes. WebChecker then monitors the web pages you visit with your browser, and marks them as "Visited" if they're part of WebChecker's list. WebChecker is shareware! WebChecker is a shareware product. If you find it useful, please consider paying the shareware registration fee. Not only will you help to support my efforts, but by becoming a registered user, I will provide you with a secret password that will eliminate the periodic registration warnings that will appear. Please see the "How To Register" chapter in this manual for more information. Requirements WebChecker will run on any Macintosh, as long as it is running System 7 or later. You also need an Internet connection, either a dial-up or direct connection. It supports both Open Transport and "classic" Macintosh TCP/IP. WebChecker supports Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. It does not support Apple's CyberDog, because it does not implement the Mosaic AppleEvent suite. How to contact me Jeremy Kezer 32 West Main Street, #401 Marlborough, MA 01752 USA email: jbkezer@kagi.com WWW: http://members.aol.com/jbkezer/index.html